Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The dilemma for Black LGBTs

Kudos to Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry on her MSNBC show airing this interesting topic that I have talked about in different aspects over the last few years.  The problems that seem to exist between LGBTs and blacks.  Now I'm not one to jump to a conclusion, but it was very potent for one of the commentators to point out how if the two groups are to coalesce then both needs active support on both sides.  The commentator spoke about the taciturnity of many LGBT interest groups on the Trayvon Martin case, yet almost always expects support from black interest groups on their issues.  Human rights are human rights regardless of whom or what is the focus of discussion is about.

The one pause of thought lays with the notion that the Reverend Barber's lack of concern for same-sex unionship equity.  At the end of the day, it seems this as close to true coalescent opposition is going to get in this Southern state because there will still be those against same-sex unionship on a legalized basis.


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